Terchová autumn trip

In the last days of October 2022, me and some friends went to Terchová, Slovakia (Žilina region). This in-mountains-situated village is the bithplace of Juraj Jánošík, Slovakian national hero. This article contains a lot of Slovakian names, therefore some parallel wikipedia browsing is recommended for not-native folks. All pictures/photos are mine. Fig. 1: Terchová hillside. references https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terchov%C3%A1 Jánošikove Diery Our goal was to reach Medzirozsutce landform saddle from Huličiarovci part of Terchová village....

October 31, 2022 · (last updated October 31, 2022) · 3 min · 473 words · krusty