defekt jádra (Hugo tuning)

defekt jádra homepage (CZ) motivation I decided to start a website project for one friend of mine – Adam. This young Chemistry student, interested mainly in organic syntehesis techniques, often writes interesting posts about unusual electrostatic bonds, untypical reactions including a microwave reactor et cetera. Those posts are mainly to be presented with a little (simple) figure(s) on his Instagram profile. Badly for me and some others, one cannot see those images/posts without a proper Meta account, which me personally lacks....

August 24, 2022 · (last updated August 24, 2022) · 4 min · 832 words · krusty

AThostik project

AThostik (AntiTalent GTA SA:MP Server Hosting) project was an attempt to run and maintain several GTA San Andreas Multiplayer (GTA SA:MP) dedicated server for Windows. At the time, I had access to one public IPv4 address, thus the servers were accessible from the Internet easily. The project was operational in the years 2009–2010. Public website was built on PHP-Fusion CMS framework. It was used for writing various articles, news about hosting, notifying about outages, planned maintainence tests and for publishing them servers themselves....

2 min · 284 words · krusty