RRDTool (light intensity)

Subject: Best Practices in Communication Networks II (PKS II), Department of Telecommunications, Faculty of electrical engineering and computer science, VSB-TUO. Name: Bc. Kryštof Šara (SAR0130) Date of presentation: October 25, 2024 introduction In the field of monitoring, the vizualisation tools are vital for the human operators to analyze the currect situation on the network, hardware or in the system, and to decide on the operation being executed next. implementation used hardware and software Raspberry Pi 4B 8GB + GPIO simple breadboard and wires VISHAY BPV10NF photodiode rrdtool wiring up Fig....

October 23, 2024 · 3 min · 555 words · krusty

Modern monitoring tools and methods to guarantee high availability

Subject: Cyber Security II (KB II), Department of Telecommunications, Faculty of electrical engineering and computer science, VSB-TUO Name: Bc. Kryštof Šara (SAR0130) Date of presentation: May 10, 2024 Task syllabus: design and configuration of test topology using network monitoring tools - Zabbix, Nagios, including their configuration description of the methods used to maintain high availability and their practical example introduction As far as modern computational systems are concerned, it is common to ensure those are operational no matter what happens....

May 9, 2024 · 18 min · 3720 words · krusty

Pravděpodobnost a statistika (II)

Kurz: Pravděpodobnost a statistika (PaSTA) Projekt č. 2: Pravděpodobnost II Jméno: Bc. Kryštof Šara (SAR0130) Datum: 28. 04. 2024 Příklad 1 Zadání Pracovní agentura shání pro svého klienta 12 zaměstnanců. Zaměstnanec je přijat poté, když uspěje u pohovoru. Průměrná úspěšnost uchazečů u pohovoru je 40 %. a) Určete pravděpodobnost, že se podaří obsadit všech 12 pozic, pokud se k pohovoru dostaví 25 uchazečů. b) Kolik uchazečů by bylo potřeba, aby se všech 12 pozic podařilo obsadit s pravděpodobností alespoň 0,9?...

April 28, 2024 · 3 min · 457 words · krusty

IT Audit Checklist

Subject: Computer Attacks and Defence Project No. 1: IT Audit Checklist Name: Bc. Kryštof Šara (SAR0130) Date: 12. 04. 2024 System Which operating system(s) are in use in your organization? How do you ensure these systems are up-to-date? Who is in charge of the system upgrading? Antivirus Do you utilize antivirus software in your organization? When was the last time that software were upgraded? How do you test that that software is functional and operational?...

April 11, 2024 · 4 min · 840 words · krusty

Pravděpodobnost a statistika (I)

Kurz: Pravděpodobnost a statistika (PaSTA) Projekt č. 1: Pravděpodobnost I Jméno: Bc. Kryštof Šara (SAR0130) Datum: 03. 04. 2024 Příklad 1 Zadání Termín pro odevzdání diplomové práce je 30. 4. Mirek nerad pracuje se zbytečným předstihem a tak v tento den musí svou práci ještě dopsat, vytisknout a nechat na počkání svázat v knihařství, kam může včas dojet pouze autem. Pravděpodobnost, že se v tento den pokazí počítač, na kterém svou práci píše, je 0,05....

April 3, 2024 · 5 min · 864 words · krusty

Laplaceova transformace

Kurz: Funkce komplexní proměnné a integrální transformace (FKPIT) Projekt č. 2: Laplaceova transformace, Zadání č. 8 Jméno: Bc. Kryštof Šara (SAR0130) Datum: 15. 12. 2023 Zadání Vypočtěte pomocí L-transformace: a) \(y’’ + y’ - 6y = x^2 - 16,~y(0) = 1,~y’(0) = 0\) b) \(y’’ + y’ - 2y = 7x + 8,~y(1) = 2,~y’(1) = 2\) c) \(x’’ + x = f(t),~\) kde $$ f(t) \stackrel{def.}{=} \begin{cases} 0, & t < 1, \\ 2, & t \in [1, 4], & x(0) = x’(0) = 0, \\ 0, & t > 4....

December 15, 2023 · 7 min · 1312 words · krusty

Advanced VPN configuration using WireGuard

Subject: Cyber Security I (KB I), Department of Telecommunications, Faculty of electrical engineering and computer science, VSB-TUO. Name: Bc. Kryštof Šara (SAR0130) Date of presentation: December 15, 2023 Task description: Application description, testbed creation, implementation of some of the most well-known scenarios for VPN - 1: 1 and N: 1, connection of PKI with VPN introduction In the modern era of digital nomadism, where one can roam virtually anywhere around the globe, while still having a connection to public Internet, it is crutial to ensure an additional layer of security for businesses as well as for individuals (public WiFi access points)....

December 8, 2023 · 17 min · 3437 words · krusty

Plain HTTP safety in WireGuarded networks

Subject: Cyber Security I (KB I), Department of Telecommunications, Faculty of electrical engineering and computer science, VSB-TUO. Name: Bc. Kryštof Šara (SAR0130) Date of presentation: December 15, 2023 introduction In the modern era, it is a standard to ensure HTTP over SSL/TLS layer (HTTPS) on any web page possible. However, the implementation of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), such as getting the keys and certificates can be a problem, when using internal domain name systems and internal domains, that are not accessible from the Internet....

December 8, 2023 · 6 min · 1148 words · krusty

Fourierovy řady

Kurz: Funkce komplexní proměnné a integrální transformace (FKPIT) Projekt č. 1: Fourierovy řady, Zadání č. 8 Jméno: Bc. Kryštof Šara (SAR0130) Datum: 30. 11. 2023 Zadání Buď \(T = 5\) a buď \(f\) taková \(T\)-periodická funkce, že platí: $$ f(t) = \begin{cases} -2e^{-3t}, & t \in \lbrack0, 3), \\ 0, & t \in [3,5). \ \end{cases} $$ Sestavte Fourierovou řadu funkce \(f\) Sestavte sinovou Fourierovou řadu funkce \(f\) v intervalu \((0, T)\) Sestavte kosinovou Fourierovou řadu funkce \(f\) v intervalu \((0,T)\) V každém z případů nakreslete: graf součtu příslušné Fourierovy řady, graf součtu prvních tří členů Fourierovy řady, prvních pět členů fázového a amplitudového spektra....

November 30, 2023 · 5 min · 894 words · krusty

MRI fundamentals lectures slides

One part of Bachelor’s study programme (Biomedical Technology and Bioinformatics) is a compulsory practical/professional experience “course”. Passing this one is the mandatory prerequisite to be allowed to take final state exam and to defend one’s thesis. Many students usually go to the hospitals to be employed as assistents to various clinical professionals. But I wanted to try something else, something interesting and enjoyable at once. At the time, I was a great fan of LaTeX typesetting system....

October 6, 2022 · 2 min · 408 words · krusty

Methods and technologies for SRTP media stream decryption

Subject: Multimedia Communication and Content Security (MZKO), Department of Telecommunications, Faculty of electrical engineering and computer science, VSB-TUO. Name: Bc. Kryštof Šara (SAR0130) Task syllabus: master key exchange (symetric cryptography) SRTP-DES exchange, SIP VoIP, SDP session descriptor, RTP stream description (codecs, media type, ports, SRTP master key in bae64) in SIP signalling key distribution problem (MitM-prone) ZRTP and Diffie-Hellmann (DH) alg (MitM-prone and DH implementation in old HW problem) SRTP-DTLS session, WebRTC over DTLS channel, media encryption simulation introduction In the world of a continuous need for communication (preferably in real-time), it is vital for the media stream transportation to be reliable (uninterrupeted), secure (end-to-end encrypted, and fast (UDP/IP, low jitter and RTT)....

15 min · 3107 words · krusty