RoureXOS operating system

This article presents the RoureXOS project — a simple DOS-like hobby operating system. The article shows OS’ features and functionalities. Furthermore, some implementation methods and tips are described with short code snippets too.

June 6, 2024 · (last updated June 6, 2024) · 15 min · 3163 words · krusty

littr nanoblogger

This article deals with a simple web application, that has been implemented in both PHP nad Go languages. It serves as a very simple microblogging (nanoblogging even) platform. The first part describes the legacy version developed in years 2015–2017 (circa). The following part deals with the current PWA (progressive web application) is being developed in Golang since 2022. At the moment, it is developed as the prove-of-concept (PoC) — to show that it’s possible to write a social network from scratch using Go and some core primitives like go-app or beercss frameworks....

April 22, 2024 · (last updated September 13, 2024) · 16 min · 3344 words · krusty


introduction repository bbs-go is a small experimantal project to prove it is possible to build and run the genuine BBS board server in Go. […]

January 21, 2024 · (last updated January 21, 2024) · 1 min · 25 words · krusty

Telecommunications lab (dial-in service ISP PoC)

Annotation: Telecommunications laboratory (telco lab) is the next step in the old hardware collection’s further usage and analysis. About 10+ various [mainly U.S.Robotics (USR) branded] voice 56kbit (fax)modems for dial-up Internet connection had been collected. This article gives a Prove of Concept (PoC) to the modem-modem link establishment over the VoIP RTP stream with aim to build a dial-in ISP service. Various VoIP technology’s underlying parameters, and modem configurations had been tuned with batch dial-up connection testing being executed, and then commented....

January 14, 2024 · (last updated January 14, 2024) · 51 min · 10850 words · krusty

MRI fundamentals lectures slides

One part of Bachelor’s study programme (Biomedical Technology and Bioinformatics) is a compulsory practical/professional experience “course”. Passing this one is the mandatory prerequisite to be allowed to take final state exam and to defend one’s thesis. Many students usually go to the hospitals to be employed as assistents to various clinical professionals. But I wanted to try something else, something interesting and enjoyable at once. At the time, I was a great fan of LaTeX typesetting system....

October 6, 2022 · (last updated October 6, 2022) · 2 min · 408 words · krusty


textovka (Czech deminutivum for text-base game) is a side project I tried to develop when also trying to finish my Bachelor thesis. It is designed as singleplayer adventure game. The project is divided into three isolated subprojects: textovka-api – server side textovka-tui – client side textovka-map – game map generator api (application programming interface) Testing instance runs at (may not be available 24/7). Server-side subproject is the game engine itself acting also as simple REST JSON API....

September 27, 2022 · (last updated September 27, 2022) · 3 min · 585 words · krusty

defekt jádra (Hugo tuning)

defekt jádra homepage (CZ) motivation I decided to start a website project for one friend of mine – Adam. This young Chemistry student, interested mainly in organic syntehesis techniques, often writes interesting posts about unusual electrostatic bonds, untypical reactions including a microwave reactor et cetera. Those posts are mainly to be presented with a little (simple) figure(s) on his Instagram profile. Badly for me and some others, one cannot see those images/posts without a proper Meta account, which me personally lacks....

August 24, 2022 · (last updated August 24, 2022) · 4 min · 832 words · krusty

dish (formerly savla-dish)

motivation This story of dish starts in the year 2016. I was developing my first “mature” Information System (based on sakalWeb IS 4). Out of blue I got an idea about how to monitor other services, and how cool it would be to see green a red labels jumping around to signalize service’s last status. The latter version (around 2018) was mostly inspired by Zabbix interface. I just wanted a list of services, their last status, amount of time after last test....

August 21, 2022 · (last updated August 21, 2022) · 4 min · 764 words · krusty

AThostik project

AThostik (AntiTalent GTA SA:MP Server Hosting) project was an attempt to run and maintain several GTA San Andreas Multiplayer (GTA SA:MP) dedicated server for Windows. At the time, I had access to one public IPv4 address, thus the servers were accessible from the Internet easily. The project was operational in the years 2009–2010. Public website was built on PHP-Fusion CMS framework. It was used for writing various articles, news about hosting, notifying about outages, planned maintainence tests and for publishing them servers themselves....

2 min · 284 words · krusty

sakalWeb IS RESTful API

Also abbreaviated as swis-api or swapi, is an in-memory database experimental project. It suits like a huge structured database with very low latency. The project is written in Go (1.20). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 GET / { "app_env": { "alpine_version": "3....

7 min · 1416 words · krusty