In the last days of October 2022, me and some friends went to Terchová, Slovakia (Žilina region). This in-mountains-situated village is the bithplace of Juraj Jánošík, Slovakian national hero.

This article contains a lot of Slovakian names, therefore some parallel wikipedia browsing is recommended for not-native folks. All pictures/photos are mine.

Fig. 1: Terchová hillside.


Jánošikove Diery

Our goal was to reach Medzirozsutce landform saddle from Huličiarovci part of Terchová village. This path goes through Jánošikove Diery, which is a complex of narrow and steep canyons around Hĺboký potok (Deep river).

Fig. 2: Janošikove diery canyon detail.

It is a good idea to consider each group member’s fitness before taking this ladder- and steep rocky path. Me myself had pretty tough times when wandering through Dolné (lower) and Horné (upper) Diery.

Fig. 3: Diery waterfalls and ladders.

Before reaching the Medzirozsutce saddle (~1225 m.), we took a long break to eat our lunch (we wrongly thought, we had been at Medzirozsutce already) and take some deep breaths before going back to Terchová. That place was called “Pod Tanečnicou”.

At Medzirozsutce saddle, Malý (small) Rozsutec peak (~1350 m.) could be seen.

Fig. 4: Medzirozutce site with prominent Malý Rozsutec summit.

From this point, we finally took a turn and went to grab that beer we all had been craving for already.

Fig. 5: Downhill.

That beer point was called Koliba Podžiar at Podžiar signpost. Fortunately, we did not go through the ladders and steep rocky parts on the way back, taking the other tourist path(s), which are much less steep and my-fitness-level friendly.

Fig. 6: Podžiar tourist point.

Ironically, some viewpoints could be seen on the other path, as the slope on the path’s sides was extremely steeper (canyon parts).

Fig. 7: Steep Diery hillside detail.



The very next day, I decided not to go on to Malý Rozsutec hill (1350 m.), because my knees were in pain a bit after the Diery downhill the day before. Moreover, my fitness level was completely drained, so I decided to tidy up around and prepare to go out for some Terchová wandering.

At first, we went to see the Juraj Jánošík shiny metal statue, which is situated on a little, but steep hill, not far away from the village centre.

Fig. 8: Juraj Jánošík metal statue.

After that we went on exploring (urbex?) the settlement of Terchová, looking for some place to grab a beer and bite some local food.

Fig. 9: Terchová Varinka riverside.

Later, we found this “Kúzelná Špajza” (lit. magical pantry), located at the Varínka riverside. At that place, we ordered some beer and I tasted Halušky for the very first time (and was nicely surprised as it was delicious)!

Fig. 10: Slovakian halušky with sheep cheese and fried bacon.
