littr nanoblogger
This article deals with a simple web application, that has been implemented in both PHP (legacy) nad Go (current) languages. It serves as a very simple microblogging (nanoblogging even) platform.
This article deals with a simple web application, that has been implemented in both PHP (legacy) nad Go (current) languages. It serves as a very simple microblogging (nanoblogging even) platform.
One of my top favourite games of all times is definitely Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe (OpenTTD). I have always wanted to master rail road systems, building huge interconnected track lines along with heavy load being transported continuously. So side-by-side long-distance motorways for trucks, buoy networks for ships carrying oil and passengers, and small-grade airports for the fast mail delivery, I tend to invest the most into railways tracks. gameplay oil rafinery In this one little example, there is a oil rafinery, that acts like a terminus for around 140 trains carrying around 320k liters of oil, and those transporting goods from the rafinery’s other end....
textovka (Czech deminutivum for text-base game) is a side project I tried to develop when also trying to finish my Bachelor thesis. It is designed as singleplayer adventure game. The project is divided into three isolated subprojects: textovka-api – server side textovka-tui – client side textovka-map – game map generator api (application programming interface) Testing instance runs at text.n0p.cz (may not be available 24/7). Server-side subproject is the game engine itself acting also as simple REST JSON API....
AThostik (AntiTalent GTA SA:MP Server Hosting) project was an attempt to run and maintain several GTA San Andreas Multiplayer (GTA SA:MP) dedicated server for Windows. At the time, I had access to one public IPv4 address, thus the servers were accessible from the Internet easily. The project was operational in the years 2009–2010. Public website was built on PHP-Fusion CMS framework. It was used for writing various articles, news about hosting, notifying about outages, planned maintainence tests and for publishing them servers themselves....
motivation I decided to start a website project for one friend of mine – Adam. This young Chemistry student, interested mainly in organic syntehesis techniques, often writes interesting posts about unusual electrostatic bonds, untypical reactions including a microwave reactor et cetera. Those posts are mainly to be presented with a little (simple) figure(s) on his Instagram profile. Badly for me and some others, one cannot see those images/posts without a proper Meta account, which me personally lacks....
motivation This story of dish starts in the year 2016. I was developing my first “mature” Information System (based on sakalWeb IS 4). Out of blue I got an idea about how to monitor other services, and how cool it would be to see green a red labels jumping around to signalize service’s last status. The latter version (around 2018) was mostly inspired by Zabbix interface. I just wanted a list of services, their last status, amount of time after last test....
Subject: Multimedia Communication and Content Security (MZKO), Department of Telecommunications, Faculty of electrical engineering and computer science, VSB-TUO. Name: Bc. Kryštof Šara (SAR0130) Task syllabus: master key exchange (symetric cryptography) SRTP-DES exchange, SIP VoIP, SDP session descriptor, RTP stream description (codecs, media type, ports, SRTP master key in bae64) in SIP signalling key distribution problem (MitM-prone) ZRTP and Diffie-Hellmann (DH) alg (MitM-prone and DH implementation in old HW problem) SRTP-DTLS session, WebRTC over DTLS channel, media encryption simulation introduction In the world of a continuous need for communication (preferably in real-time), it is vital for the media stream transportation to be reliable (uninterrupeted), secure (end-to-end encrypted, and fast (UDP/IP, low jitter and RTT)....