Computers have been fascinating to me since my childhood. Throughout life, I have primarily settled on the software side of IT. I often code and build my own apps, which are mainly running in the cloud environment.

My alma mater gave me technical and analytical skills. I was taught to dive into the problem, to look into it from different perspectives, and to come up with an efficient solution to it.

I have experience with professional teamwork at a medium-sized telco and IT companies, as well as communication with other collegues and B2B peers.

Currently, I am based in Brno, Czech Republic, EU.

technical background

I use Docker containers a lot, mainly using the docker-compose stacking technique. Moreover, I prefer RHEL-like/RHEL-derived GNU/Linux distros like Fedora and Almalinux. Personally, I use Fedora 39 with i3wm. I have also got some experiences with Debian-like distributions (e.g. Raspbian for Raspberry Pi desk computers).

Fig. 1: Personal GitHub account statistics. (Many repos of mine are private and therefore not counted in this stats.)

alma mater

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication, Brno University of Technology


Passed final state exam and defended Bachelor’s thesis Application for heart rate estimation using smartphone in the Bachelor’s study programme Biomedical Technology and Bioinformatics [2017—2020]


Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Technical University of Ostrava


Master’s study programme Communication and Information Technology at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

work matter

SMART Comp. a.s. (netbox) — Junior NOC Operator


zabbix bash munin grafana graylog b2b xml/json linux

24/7 carrier-grade network + IPTV monitoring, bash scripting, incident handling and escalation (L1)


AdminIT, s.r.o. — Junior Linux Administrator


linux KVM Cisco IOS redmine ansible docker gitlab CI proxmox

on-call linux administration, basic network configuration, redmine apps deploying, server support (L2) for globe-wide network

~, s.r.o. — Linux Engineer


python bash centos redmine puppet docker jinja2 OVH Hetzner GRUB2

advanced linux configuration, automating hypervisor and virtual machine bootstrap, configuring and maintaining EU-wide network


freelance in IT — System Integrator & Infrastructure Operator (


docker docker-compose KVM/QEMU almalinux Github Actions golang kubernetes prometheus grafana ansible bird2 swarm redmine

monitoring, configuring and deploying small-grade wireguard-interconnected network of about 10+ nodes, pipeline mindset (Makefiles and CI/CD workflows), golang experimenting, PoC (prove of concept) writing and evaluating


I am an IT & electronics enthusiast — I run several private hardware and software projects. I love exploring new alternative music (and making various playlists — spotify profile) and movies. Also, politics, physics (meteo/hydrology), and linguistics interest me a lot.

I tend to like Scandinavian architecture, mindset, culture, and languages (I study Norwegian — norsk bokmål — at the moment too). Would love to go on exploring those countries soon (already been to Oslo).

I am also a great fan of minimalism and the KISS (keep it simple, silly) principle. Tend to like low-level programming and networking, while keeping it simple and (mostly) documented.

As far as sports are concerned, yoga, hiking, and mountain biking seem like a good party to me.


languagelevel, or estimation
Czechnative speaker, CEFR C2
EnglishCEFR B2/C1, B1/B2 exam
RussianCEFR A2/B1, passive understanding
Japanesecertified JLPT N5 basic proficiency (2014), basic understanding
Slovakgood understanding
Norwegian (bokmål)A1 beginner, passive understanding
Latin & Greekbasic and medical terminology understanding